Detachment Officer Endorsements | 2025-2026

This page lists all of the endorsements for Detachment or District Office that are received by the Detachment Staff.

It is the policy of the Detachment of Florida that no endorsement be posted prior to the Annual Fall Conference. The Detachment of Florida provides this information for the benefit of our membership. The addition of endorsement information does not indicate support for an individual candidate by the Detachment of Florida.

In order for an endorsement to be posted to the Detachment Newsletter “The Source” or the Detachment Website, an endorsement letter must meet the following requirements.

Each endorsement letter must come from a Florida Squadron or Post and must be signed by the Squadron Commander and Squadron Adjutant, or the Post Commander and Post Adjutant or any combination of these.

  • The letter must be on Squadron or Post letterhead and include the date that the Squadron or Post made the endorsement and that the membership approved said endorsement.
  • This letter should contain information explaining why the individual should be considered for the office he is seeking and a narrative of positions held to show his leadership potential.

Endorsements will only be accepted for the elected Detachment Officers, District Commanders as follows:

  • Detachment Commander, Detachment Vice Commanders, National Executive Committeeman, National Executive Committeeman Alternate, Detachment Historian, Detachment Chaplain, Detachment Sergeant-At-Arms, District Commander and District Elected Vice Commanders

Endorsement letters must be submitted, in writing, to the Detachment Adjutant as follows with the required signatures (in the format listed above).

  • Endorsement letters can be sent via the US Postal Service to the Detachment Adjutant Christian Rapp – 215 Greenwood Avenue | Lehigh Acres, FL 33936.
  • Endorsement letters can be scanned and sent by e-mail to the Detachment at The scanned copy must have all of the signatures as required and be of good quality. The recommended format for sending is in an Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf).
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